How to discover what you want
How to discover what you want

When we fear making a decision, what we actually fear are the consequences.

What are possible consequences not making changes as soon as possible?

Release resistance to fearing a worst case scenario. The worst decisions are made when they have any relation to fear.

People who get what they want, take the time to figure out what they want first.
Play a game of “no limits” and write down everything you want:
(This may change while your perspective shifts, over time. When it comes to desire, there will always be more to desire)

If I can do or become anything in this life, what would that be?


Decisions are best made when they are in alignment with our own expansion

We have two forms of decision making tools:

The logical mind
Limited perspective
What we are taught to know
Gut feeling
Following the direction of your highest good

Those who have a great amount of self trust and confidence with their choices also have a greater amount of intuitive capability.
Write down a list of everything that makes you feel good / things you are passionate about:


Your purpose is always in tandem with what you enjoy doing.

People feel the best when they establish a sense of progress.

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